Journal of Biomedical Semantics
The Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS) addresses issues of semantic enrichment and semantic processing in the biomedical domain. The scope of the journal covers two main areas:
- Infrastructure for biomedical semantics: focusing on semantic resources and repositories, meta-data management and resource description, knowledge representation and semantic frameworks, the Biomedical Semantic Web, and semantic interoperability, and
- semantic mining, annotation, and analysis: focusing on approaches and applications of semantic resources; and tools for investigation, reasoning, prediction, and discoveries in biomedicine.
JBMS hosts a permanent DaMaLOS collection for Life Sciences. Accepted workshop papers aligned to Life Sciences or domain-agnostic will be invited to submit an extended version to the DaMaLOS collection at JBMS.
Important information All accepted workshop papers submitting an extended version to JBMS will still follow a peer-review process. Please be aware the journal version of a workshop published paper should include enough differences to be considered as an original contribution.