DaMaLOS 2020 - Workshop proceedings
DaMaLOS 2020 took place on the 2nd of November 2020 13:30 to 17:30 CET @ ISWC
Proceedings available at PUBLISSO Fachrepositorium DaMaLOS 2020 collection
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423280 Editorial note
- Keynote by Prof. Dr. Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
- Data management plans - Chair Sören Auer (TIB)
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423282 ASIO: a Research Management System based on Semantic technologies, presented by Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
DOI: 10.4126/FRL01-006423283 Data Management Plans and Linked Open Data: exploiting machine actionable data management plans through Open Science Graphs, presented by Elli Papadopoulou
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423289 Towards semantic representation of machine-actionable Data Management Plans, presented by João Cardoso
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423291 Research Object Crates and Machine-actionable Data Management Plans, presented by Maroua Jaoua and Tomasz Miksa
- Data, Life Sciences and beyond - Chair Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (ZB MED)
What is ORKG? – Invited talk, presented by Yaser Jaradeh (TIB)
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423287 FAIR Data Management to Access Patient Data, presented by Núria Queralt Rosinach
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423288 Towards in-situ knowledge acquisition for research data provenance from electronic lab notebooks, presented by Max Schröder
DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006423281 Understanding Semantic Search on Scientific Repositories: Steps towards Meaningful Findability, presented by Thiago Gottardi
DOI: 10.4126/FRL01-006423290 Software as a first-class citizen in research, presented by Leyla Garcia
Title: The swings and roundabouts of a decade of fun and games with Research Objects
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
Over the past decade we have been working on the concept of Research Objects. We worked at the 20,000 feet level as a new form of FAIR+R scholarly communication and at the 5 feet level as a packaging approach for assembling all the elements of a research investigation, like the workflows, data and tools associated with a publication. Even in our earliest papers [1] we recognised that there was more to success than just using Linked Data. We swung from fancy RDF models and SHACL that specialists could use to simple RO-Crates and JSON-LD that mortal programmers could use. Success depends on a use case need, a community and tools which we found particularly in the world of computational workflows right from the outset. All along there have been politics and that has recently got even hotter. All fun and games! [1] Sean Bechhofer, et al (2013) Why Linked Data is Not Enough for Scientists FGCS 29(2)599-611 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2011.08.004
Prof. Dr. Carole Goble
Carole is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. She is on the leadership team and the godmother of ResearchObject.org. Her team in the eScience Lab at the Manchester have a mission to disseminate knowledge about research objects, their concept and their adoption. She has spent 25 years working in e-Science on computational workflows, reproducible science, open sharing, and knowledge and metadata management in a range of discipline, especially in the life sciences where she was an early advocate of the Semantic Web/Linked Data. She has worked on numerous EU e-Infrastructure projects including Wf4ever which first developed the Research Object model. She is the co-founder of the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute and cares about quality research software and reproducibility by building platforms people actually use, including myExperiment.org and workflowhub.eu workflow repositories and the FAIRDOMHub.org for systems biology asset sharing all of which use Research Objects in some form. She is the co-lead of the interoperability platform for ELIXIR, the EU Research Infrastructure for Life Sciences and Head of Node of ELIXIR-UK. She was part of the founding of FORCE11 and an author of the infamous FAIR data paper. She serves on SWSA, was the OC of ISWC2014 and in 2020 serves as the co-chair of the Vision track.