Call for papers
DaMaLOS-2025 workshop (co-located with ESWC) will explore what is required for Research Data Management to effectively instantiate Linked Open Science, i.e., Open Science + Linked Open Data (LOD) principles, including effective support for LOD, automation by, e.g., machine/deep learning approaches, and innovations to include supporting data elements such as the software used to produce/consume it together with tutorials showcasing their usage. Furthermore, data management should be complemented by other research objects management plans, e.g. software and workflows, in order to get an integrated layer supporting all the edges of Linked Open Science. In this workshop we will keep a focus on data management (as it is the sort of research management plans more developed so far) but we will also have opportunities to discuss how other research objects play an important role.
This year we welcome workshop submissions in the form of long (up to 12 pages) and short (up to 6 pages) research papers, research objects (up to 3 pages), position papers (up to 6 pages), demos (up to 3 pages), and posters (up to 3 pages). References are not counted within the page limit. Please make sure you visit the submission page for more information on the submission process and the important dates page for deadlines. Below you can find the list of topics for the DaMaLOS workshop:
- Research management
- Importance, automatization and connections across Research Data and Software (and other digital objects) Management for Linked Open Science (LOS, i.e., Open Science + Linked Open Data principles)
- Special features/metadata required in research management plans for LOS
- Extensions to current RDM plans to better support LOS
- FAIRness and FAIRification
- Integration/alignment between FAIR and research management plans
- FAIRification processes, either by design or post-research-object creation
- FAIR tooling, e.g., evaluators, extensions, governance
- RO-Crates, Signposting and FDOs
- Open Science and Scientometrics
- Benefits of LOS over Open Science
- How research plans and LOS can be used to improve collection and storage of (usually volatile) data produced at, e.g., conferences
- Integration of software, data, and other research outcomes into science-related metrics
Please read carefully additional information on important dates and submission process.