DaMaLOS 2025 @ ESWC

DaMaLOS 5th Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science - DaMaLOS 2025
(*) research objects (e.g., data, software, workflows, knowledge graphs, ro-crates)

Co-located with ESWC as part of MaRA - Joint Workshops on Management for Research Artifacts

email: [mara-damalos-airdem at googlegroups dot com](mailto:mara-damalos-airdem@googlegroups.com)
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Scientific research involves various digital objects including publications, software, data, workflows and tutorials (i.e., research artifacts), all key to FAIRness, reproducibility and transparency. The research lifecycle, from questions and hypotheses to results and conclusions, requires data production, collection, and transformation, a process commonly supported by software, workflows and tutorials. For this cycle to prosper, we require Research Artifacts Management Plans (RMPs) including data, software, machine learning (DMPs, SMPs, MLMPs) and metadata supporting the FAIR (data) principles and its extensions (e.g., FAIR4RS, FAIR computational workflows, FAIR4ML) as well as additional coverage for reproducibility, transparency, trustability, explainability, i.e., *ilities. All sorts of research artifacts are needed to fully realize Linked Open Science, i.e., Open Science plus Linked Open Data (LOD) principles –data here understood in a very broad sense covering any research artifact. LOD principles, aka LOD 5 stars, follow objectives overlapping with FAIR and Open Science (e.g., LOD includes “openness” and usage of “non-proprietary open formats”). In DaMaLOS we will explore requirements for research artifacts and their corresponding management plans to effectively instantiate an integrated layer supporting Linked Open Science. DaMaLOS welcomes contributions aligned to the following topics: use of metadata as background knowledge to improve LLMs, machine-actionable research artifact management plans; machine/deep learning and LLM approaches to enrich metadata; FAIR-assistance, FAIRification; FAIR by design (e.g., Research Objects, SignPosting, FDO); FAIR tooling; and scientometrics beyond the scholarly publication (i.e., combining the different research artifacts for research assessment and impact).


DaMaLOS targets researchers interested in the topics “science on science”, FAIRness of research artifacts, and research objects management, including for instance data and software management plans. DaMaLOS submissions and discussions commonly revolve around subjects such as creation of metadata schemas to represent research artifacts; applications consuming or exposing such metadata; machine/deep learning solutions to consume, improve or facilitate access to the metadata; FAIRification assistants and FAIRness evaluators; FAIR Digital Objects implementations, in particular those using technologies aligned to the Linked Open Data efforts (e.g., RO-Crates and Signposting), and scientometrics approaches using research artifacts beyond traditional scholarly publications.